black and white bed linen

Transportez vos colis

Réduisez vos coûts de voyage tout en rendant service avec Amana, la solution sécurisée.

Transport sécurisé

Amana facilite le transport de colis entre particuliers en toute sécurité.

A large postal delivery truck is parked on a shaded street under an elevated railway. Nearby, traffic signage reads 'All Traffic Except Bikes', and there is a concrete barrier. The street is lined with a mix of residential and commercial buildings, and there are cars driving on the road in the background.
A large postal delivery truck is parked on a shaded street under an elevated railway. Nearby, traffic signage reads 'All Traffic Except Bikes', and there is a concrete barrier. The street is lined with a mix of residential and commercial buildings, and there are cars driving on the road in the background.
Économie de frais

Utilisez Amana pour réduire vos frais de transport tout en rendant service à d'autres utilisateurs. Profitez d'un processus simple et sécurisé pour vos échanges de colis.

A bustling city street scene featuring an orange DHL delivery van parked in front of a building with a distinctive domed architecture. Several people, including a delivery person handling a package, are visible near the van. The illuminated sign for The House Cafe can be seen on the building.
A bustling city street scene featuring an orange DHL delivery van parked in front of a building with a distinctive domed architecture. Several people, including a delivery person handling a package, are visible near the van. The illuminated sign for The House Cafe can be seen on the building.
Service pratique

Amana est l'application idéale pour connecter les particuliers et faciliter le transport de colis. Réduisez vos coûts de voyage tout en aidant les autres à expédier leurs biens.